Tuesday, June 22, 2010


It's not what it seems! No, I did not abandon this blog for a simpler, lazier summer lifestyle. I simply got preoccupied... sleeping a lot. I did manage to clean my room.

Haven't brought the telescope out yet this summer, but we did manage to spot a satellite. Magnitude .9; north west I think.

Next project: During the school year we had to build a bridge out of balsa wood and glue that could support a brick. Well, my partner and I did so, but I wasn't too pleased with the outcome. I mean, it held the brick. But I figured I'd go to the craft store and get some good glue and balsa wood and try again! It's going to be an I-beam, but if I have spare wood I may attempt some other designs. Pictures, blue print, notes, etc. will all be posted.

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