Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This post is gonna be random blathering, mostly.
...But I do enjoy a good ramble. For example, one time in Spanish class I made sure all my sentences centered around Ents from Lord of the Rings. A few minutes later I was reminiscing about the time I had soft ice cream in New York.

Anyway, enough rambling about stuff not astronomy-related. I'm biased, but few things are more interesting to talk about than astronomy. Anything else I can think of that is equally interesting has to do with global warming, Star Wars, or the watershed. So... I'll stick with something science-y. Even though global warming and the watershed are very scientific. And Star Wars in sci fi.

On global warming: Seriously, we're in very deep fodder. Act now! Stop carbon emissions! Don't leave every light in your house on when you go on vacation! (Who does that, anyway?)

On the watershed/saving water: Um... save every drop! Don't dump chemicals down the drain. Treasure the Chesapeake. 'Nough said?

On Star Wars: Vote Boba Fett for Mr. Star Wars 2010! And for your information, the Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network is very... childish. The ratings haven't been very high, anyway. And I'm still trying to figure out why no one liked The Phantom Menace! Sure, Jar Jar kinda blew it, but... really.

Right now I'm working on a research paper on time travel. It's sooo fun; I don't even have this much fun writing stories.

Yeah; I did just say that. Oh, I'm also writing this, trying to figure out why my glasses keep sliding down my nose, and humming the song "Blue" by Eiffel 65. It's techo. It's about a blue guy. It's awesome.

Through all my research, I haven't seen a single theory that suggests that to go back (or forward) in time, you could hop out of time and reenter in another point in time. I suppose that's kiiiinda what it's like with a black hole. Really? I dunno, people always use the phrase 'travel through time.' Suppose you were to hop out of the universe, where there is... um, no time, and then hop back in at some other point in time? You probably couldn't control where you were going to end up, though. And with the Law of Conservation of Energy, you can't really leave the universe.

There's my idea. Thought I'd put it out there. It has major flaws and all, but it's something to think about.

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